



I have tried to follow the symfony tutorial here:

It's incoherent : It says to download the sandbox but the rest of the tutorial seems for the non-sandbox version. It's not a step by step as it seems and I can't get the same result.

This is really frustrating and if I haven't a project on it, I would already give up !

So is there anything better than the official tut so that I can just get started ?

Thanks a lot.

+11  A: 

Symfony Documentation

Symfony is arguably the best PHP framework out there at the moment. It has a huge amount of functionailty and a large and active community.

To help you get started, the creators have provided a wide variety of resources.

The documentation for the latest version, 1.4 is here:

The Getting Started tutorial might be your first port of call:

In older versions of Symfony, there are some excellent step-by-step tutorials on how to build a complete web application:

Symfony does have a steep learning curve, but stick with it. It's worth it!

Jon Winstanley
+1 on the step-by-step tutorials. By far the best way to learn symfony is to roll up your sleeves, install it and start using it!!! The Jobeet step-by-step is also available for v1.4 and doctrine as orm here: btw no idea why the links give a 404 as they are correct, if you copy/paste the address the page loads just fine...
The site has recently been updated, it seems to break all incoming links
Jon Winstanley
it didnt break MY link :) I truly must be a master of symfony...
It breaks my links in FireFox and Safari. It works in IE7 and Google Chrome. The plot thickens...
Jon Winstanley