



When someone posts a link to a web site in Facebook, it populates the link preview box with a photo and some text from the site.

If someone posts a link to my site in Facebook, it is generally just get the site's domain name and one of the images that appears on the site. No text appears.

I would like to be able to control what text and images appear in the link. Is there a specification that they use? Can I provide some metadata so Facebook will display what I want?

+3  A: 


Here is Facebook's developer page on their share function:

Basically there are some simple metatags you can use to optimize what appears on FB

<meta name="title" content="title" /> 
<meta name="description" content="description " />
<link rel="image_src" href="thumbnail_image" / >
+1 Also note that the image cannot be a gif or it will be auto-blocked (to prevent animated GIFs)
Mark Ursino
Yep - good point. Thanks for the +1
Thanks! I'm glad to find out that it's simple. I was afraid that I'd have to implement some kind of soap or xml-rpc nonsense!
+1  A: 

AND: The wiki article doesn't mention this, but Facebook CACHES the results of your site for awhile. So, if you're debugging & doing quick iterations, you either need to wait awhile, or rename the page (index2.html, index3.html, etc) until you find something that works.

Be sure to read the wiki article, as it also points out several other pitfalls:
