



I am running PHP5 on IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 R2. Check out the below code which writes a string received via a POST request parameter into an XML file.

$temp = "";
     $fileHandle = fopen("c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\test\\xml\\levels.xml", 'w');
     fwrite($fileHandle, stripslashes($_POST["xmlString"]));
     $temp = "success";
     $fileHandle = fopen("c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\test\\xml\\rules.xml", 'w');
     fwrite($fileHandle, stripslashes($_POST["xmlString"]));
     $temp = "success";

When I make a POST request to invoke this code, the application pool owning/hosting the site containing php files, stops (due to some fatal errors, as it writes in event viewer) and then IIS keeps responding with HTTP503 after that. Now, I have given proper permissions to IUSR and IISUSRS on that (test/xml) directory. Those two XML files are not already existing, I have also tried the code when an XML file is already present but; it behaved the same way. What's wrong with that php code? I have tried it on a linux-box and it behaved as expected.

edit: I have tried various different versions of this code and came up with this result: the fopen call when awaken by a POST request, allways returns FALSE or sometimes NULL, and causes the Application Pool of itself to stop. The exact same code, works OK with a GET request, with exact same parameters. So; I dont know what the problem is but; for the time I'm just going to use GET requests for this operation.


Can you var_dump( $fileHandle) for both options, to show us what it has. I notice you're just assuming the file is opened, rather than checking the value (if it's FALSE the fwrite will fail)

Please see my edit on the post.