



I can run my django application using the developer server, but it does not run under apache.
The error is:

Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle

Adding an ORACLE_HOME environment variable pointing to my 10g client did not fix the issue.

NOTE: the ORACLE_HOME did not end with a slash. Also, this is using the XAMPP version of Apache if that makes a difference.

Apache, Python, Django, and Oracle are all installed on the C: of a Windows 2003 32bit server. (No spaces in the name).

Final NOTE: The issue is in the use of XAMPP for the Apache server. When I installed the normal Apache, the issue did not appear. XAMPP must be modifying the path so that it cannot see the Oracle home.


What is path to where your django application resides?

If it's in c:\Program Files (x86)\XXX (as seen on 64-bit Windows), this is a known issue

Mark Roddy