



I developed a J2ME app using LWUIT and it works fine but when I try the app on a mobile phone with Windows Mobile 6 it displays the virtual keyboard overlapping the softkeys until I double clik it.

I already tried to use the following attributes on the application jar but they didn't worked:

Navi-Key-Hidden: true
Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad: no

Does anybody knows if there is the same option for Windows Mobile 6 phones (or other versions) or another hack to hide it?


You might want to try this parameter as well. But be warned, with this jad parameter some nokia devices wont install the application at all.

MIDlet-Touch-Support: true

And dont forget to run setFullscreen(true) on your Canvas. Some older devices even require that you run it every repaint.

There's also a few LG parameters that might help sometimes;

LGE-MIDlet-TargetLCD-Width: 240 LGE-MIDlet-TargetLCD-Height: 320

LGE-MIDlet-Width: 240 LGE-MIDlet-TargetLCD-Width: 320

Good luck!

Thanks for the suggestion, I already knew that parameter but it didn't work on the HTC, I think is only for some Samsung and LG devices.