



+1  Q: 

C# Linq Inner Join

I want to select the persons only who are having pets.

when I execute the query

var query = from p in people
                        pts in pets
                        on p equals pts.Owner into grp
                        select new {grp=grp,PersonName=p.FirstName};

Person does not have pet also get selected.

My Lists are

Person[] prn = new Person[3];
prn[0] = new Person();
prn[0].FirstName = "Jon";
prn[0].LastName = "Skeet";

prn[1] = new Person();
prn[1].FirstName = "Marc";
prn[1].LastName = "Gravell";

prn[2] = new Person();
prn[2].FirstName = "Alex";
prn[2].LastName = "Grover";

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();

 foreach (Person p in prn)

 Pet[] pt = new Pet[3];

 pt[0] = new Pet();
 pt[0].Name = "Zonny";
 pt[0].Owner = people[0];

pt[1] = new Pet();
pt[1].Name = "Duggie";
pt[1].Owner = people[0];

pt[2] = new Pet();
pt[2].Name = "Zoggie";
pt[2].Owner = people[1];

List<Pet> pets=new List<Pet>();
 foreach(Pet p in pt)
+3  A: 

That's because you're using join ... into which does a group join. You just want a normal join:

var query = (from p in people
             join pts in pets on p equals pts.Owner
             select p).Distinct();

Alternatively, if you want the people with pets, and their owners, you could do something like:

var query = pets.GroupBy(pet => pet.Owner)
                .Select(x => new { Owner = x.Key, Pets = x.ToList() });

That will give a result where you can get each owner and their pets, but only for people who have pets.

If you want something else, let us know...

By the way, now would be a good time to learn about object and collection initializers. Here's a simpler way to initialize your people list, for example:

List<Person> people = new List<Person>
    new Person { FirstName = "Jon", LastName = "Skeet" },
    new Person { FirstName = "Marc", LastName = "Gravell" },
    new Person { FirstName = "Alex", LastName = "Grover" },

Much more compact :)

EDIT: A cross join is easy:

var query = from person in people
            from pet in pets
            select new { person, pet };

Left joins are effectively emulated using group joins. As it sounds like you've got C# in Depth, I suggest you read chapter 11 thoroughly :)

Jon Skeet
'into grp' should be gone, not? ;p
@leppie: Doh! Fixed, thanks :)
Jon Skeet
See you fixed it :) The 'into' changes the lexical scope kinda which always confuses me outside the IDE.
yes i have read that simple way initialization from your book.
Yes I want something more ,I mean can you explain how can i perform outer join (left,right) ,inner join,cross join in Linq.
Sure I will look at Chapter 11 throughly. Have you worked out any examples on your MisUtil ?
I mean,I want to do some Zip like functionality as in C# 4.0
If you want to use Zip, have a look at MoreLinq: http://code.google.com/p/morelinq
Jon Skeet
+3  A: 

Here's a different way to do it, adding only one line:

var query = from p in people
            join pts in pets
            on p equals pts.Owner into grp
            where grp.Any()             // <--- added this
            select new {grp=grp,PersonName=p.FirstName};

Here I select the groups, as you do, but I added one line that selects only the groups that contain at least one element, and ignore the rest.

Mark Byers
Ahh that is what my mind was looking for :)
OOps ! It gives the result.

this can also be done using lambda expressions in a single line of code...

IEnumerable<Person> peopleWithPets = people.Where(x => pets.Any(y => y.Owner == x));