I've completed the Graham's exercise Chapter 5.8,and my code is:
(defun max-min (vec &key (start 0) (end (length vec)))
((eql start (1- end)) (values (elt vec start) (elt vec (1- end))))
((zerop end) (values nil nil))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (max-min vec :start (1+ start) :end end)
(let* ((maxx x)(minn y))
(values (max maxx (elt vec start)) (min minn (elt vec start))))))))
You don't need to worry about the details, basically it just returns the max and min of a given vector in a "value" form.
I use the above recursion to solve the problem, but my teachers marked my function as "almost done" with such critique:
"If a function takes start and end, then length is neither needed nor correct. Length could be > 0 but it's whether start < end or not that matters. Testing end all by itself is not relevant at all."
I am not very clear at this point, I tried getting rid of the (length vec) default value for "end", but then the default value for end becomes nil.
We have clear instrution that "length" should at most be called once.
Could you please give me some hint on this? Thanks.