



Hiya all,

I'm having a strange issue here, i have this bit of code:

if ($node->nid == "1") {
    include 'front.tpl.php';
} else { 

    <div id="left-col" class="grid_9">
     <h1><?php print $title ?></h1>
     <hr />
     <?php global $user;if ( $is_admin ) { ?>[<a href="/node/<?php print $node->nid ?>/edit">Edit</a>]<? } ?>
      <?php if ($show_messages) { print $messages; } ?>
       <?php print $help ?>
      <?php print $content; ?>  
<?php } ?>

This exact code is working fine on the staging server, i've litrally just installed a LAMP stack using XAMPP and downloaded the code from the server.

PHP is now throwing this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in F:\Workspace\xx\xx\xx\xx\xx\node.tpl.php on line 19

Anyone have any ideas what it could be? i have a feeling it "might" be due to the jumping in and out of tags but i'm not certain, can anyone shed some light on this. (this might be a server issue in which case i will also happily take advice on what php.ini settings need to be poked in the right direction!

Thanks in advance.

+3  A: 

My guess is the server doesn't have short tag support turned on.

<? } ?>
perfect, that was it, didn't see that cheeky short tag there on the side. Thanks :)
Shadi Almosri
+1 good eyesight! Might help to keep the `<?php ... { ?>`...`<?php } ?>` structures on a consistently-indented line of their own, to make this easier to spot?