I have got some javascript code and I'd like to convert this to C#. I have no idea of the best way to structure this or if there is an easy way to convert the code.
A sample of this code is shown below.
// ellipse parameters
var e = { WGS84: { a: 6378137, b: 6356752.3142, f: 1/298.257223563 },
Airy1830: { a: 6377563.396, b: 6356256.910, f: 1/299.3249646 },
Airy1849: { a: 6377340.189, b: 6356034.447, f: 1/299.3249646 } };
// helmert transform parameters
var h = { WGS84toOSGB36: { tx: -446.448, ty: 125.157, tz: -542.060, // m
rx: -0.1502, ry: -0.2470, rz: -0.8421, // sec
s: 20.4894 }, // ppm
OSGB36toWGS84: { tx: 446.448, ty: -125.157, tz: 542.060,
rx: 0.1502, ry: 0.2470, rz: 0.8421,
s: -20.4894 } };
function convertOSGB36toWGS84(p1) {
var p2 = convert(p1, e.Airy1830, h.OSGB36toWGS84, e.WGS84);
return p2;
The full code can be downloaded from: Javascript Grid Code
EDIT: Thank you all so far for your help; I guess the second requirement is that the reminder of the code in the link can be converted. The focus of the snippet was on the Anonymous Types.