Initially I thought the code presented below was working, the "inBuffer" seems to be correctly getting 4-bytes of data, also the variable MDD_times is correct.
NSData *inBuffer;
float MDD_times;
// FLOAT_002
inBuffer = [inFile readDataOfLength:sizeof(float)];
[inBuffer getBytes: &MDD_times length:sizeof(float)];
NSLog(@"Time: %f", MDD_times);
OK let me expand on this little (code above updated), this is what I am getting:
inBuffer = <3d2aaaab>
MDD_times = -1.209095e-12 (this will be 0.0416667 bigEndian)
NSLog(@"Time: %f", MDD_times) = Time: -0.000000
Its probably NSLog that can't accommodate the float value, I flipped the bytes in the float to bigEndian and the expected value "0.0416667" displays just fine. AT least I know the NSData > float bit is working as intended.