



Is anyone working on or know if there exists a SQL 2k8 Dialect for NHibernate?

+5  A: 

This was asked on the NHibernate Google Group recently - apparently the SQL 2005 dialect should work against SQL 2008.

Definitive location of the dialects - source control is here, binary downloads are here.

Ian Nelson
+1  A: 

Looks like the OP (in the Google Group) says it doesn't work but never followed up.

Where would be the definitive location of the dialect when it is released?


This page has some information on the subject:

NHibernate and Ms Sql Server 2008: Date, Time, DateTime2 and DateTimeOffset

Lars A. Brekken
+4  A: 

The MsSql2008Dialect is available here.

Fabio Mulo has just released the Beta1 of NHibernate 2.1 that should come with the MsSql2008Dialect and support the new DateTime datatypes, but i didn't saw anything regarding the other datatypes. Anyway, the Beta1 seems to really good, I am testing it and look good.
