i m trying to enter a five digit number greater than 32767 and i used "unsigned" while declaring int number, and when i m trying to print the same number it prints some arbitary negative number, results get overflowed...... pls help me out
Until you show some of the code, I can't be sure of anything.
But AFAIK you shouldn't be able to print out a negative number if you're printing out an uint
– even if it overflows, the integer will always hold a positive number, as far as C is concerned.
So there's something else wrong.
Without seeing your code, I am guessing you are using %d or %i in the printf statement. Use %u instead.
Use correct format specifier.
%d for int
%u for unsigned int.
Using incorrect format specifier in printf() may cause Undefined Behavior.
For example, the following code invokes Undefined Behavior(UB).
int main(void)
unsigned int z=Some_value; /*Some_value is an unsigned int */
/*UB as format specifier for unsigned int is incorrect,it should be %u not %d*/
I guess int is 16bit on your machine/compiler.
Though I don't know what your platform is, I guess that long would solve your problem (it is 32bit or more on all platforms I know). Print it with %ld instead of %d.
Don't get tempted to use unsigned and %u, because they will just give you numbers up to 65536, and I guess that you want more.