



I have the following Makefile to build my erlang project:

.SUFFIXES: .erl .beam .yrl

ERL_SRC := $(wildcard src/*.erl)
ERL_OBJ := $(patsubst src/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,${ERL_SRC})

all: main

main: ${ERL_OBJ}

ebin/%.beam: src/%.erl
        erlc +debug_info -W -o ebin $<

        rm -fr ebin/*.beam

I'm trying to update this to also build my eunit tests in the test/eunit folder and have the output go to the same ebin folder as the src like this:

.SUFFIXES: .erl .beam .yrl

ERL_SRC := $(wildcard src/*.erl)
ERL_OBJ := $(patsubst src/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,${ERL_SRC})
EUNIT_SRC := $(wildcard test/eunit/*.erl)
EUNIT_OBJ := $(patsubst test/eunit/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,${EUNIT_SRC})

all: main

main: ${ERL_OBJ}

ebin/%.beam: src/%.erl test/eunit/%.erl
        erlc +debug_info -W -o ebin $<

        rm -fr ebin/*.beam

eunit: ${EUNIT_OBJ}

test: main eunit

Making main works fine, but if I try make test it fails with:

make: *** No rule to make target `ebin/data_eunit.beam', needed by `eunit'.  Stop.

The test module data_eunit.erl is located in test/eunit. The problem seems to be with the ebin/%.beam target. If I swap src/%.erl with test/eunit/%.erl then I can build the tests but not the src. How can I do a build from two source folders and have the output go to one output folder?


You should make another target that compiles that tree into ebin, make it depend on the original build target.

fuzzy lollipop
+2  A: 

This wont really answer your question, but I dont like to have the risk of polluting my ebin/ with test-enabled code. So this is how I organize my toplevel Makefile:

    (cd src && erl -make)

    (cd test && erl -make && \
       erl -noinput -eval 'eunit:test({dir, "."}, [verbose]), init:stop()')

Then I put the following into src/Emakefile:


And into test/Emakefile I put

 [debug_info, {d, 'TEST'}]}.
 [debug_info, {d, 'TEST'}]}.

So if I run make all then src/*.erl is compiled into ebin/, but if I run make test I compile src/*.erl and test/*.erl into test/ and run all beam files there with unit tests.

When compiling the tests the TEST macro is enabled so that unit-tests are disabled if surrounded with ifdefs as the eunit guide suggest:

test_code_() -> ...

Its a setup that I'm quite pleased with.

I'm looking for something similar but prefer all the beam files to end up in ebin - don't loke the beam files mixed with erl files.
Jeremy Raymond
That's trivially accomplished.
+1  A: 

Perhaps you should greatly simplify your build. My erlang build systems just invoke erl -make with an Emakefile that looks like this:

{"src/*", [debug_info, {outdir, "ebin"}, {i, "include"}]}.

You could, of course, have more than one src loc, but just mix the tests and the regular code -- you're already mixing them in ebin. Don't make it harder on yourself than it needs to be.

I don't mind the compilation output in the same ebin directory but prefer the application and test source code to be separate.
Jeremy Raymond

This is doing what I want:

.SUFFIXES: .erl .beam .yrl

ERL_SRC := $(wildcard src/*.erl)
ERL_OBJ := $(patsubst src/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,${ERL_SRC})
EUNIT_SRC := $(wildcard test/eunit/*.erl)
EUNIT_OBJ := $(patsubst test/eunit/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,${EUNIT_SRC})

all: main

main: ${ERL_OBJ}

        erlc +debug_info -W -o ebin $<

        rm -fr ebin/*.beam

        erlc +debug_info -W -o ebin $<

eunit: ${EUNIT_OBJ}

test: main eunit

Any other way I can improve this? Maybe move similar compile lines in ${ERL_OBJ} and ${EUNIT_OBJ} to a variable.

Jeremy Raymond

Instead of "ebin/%.beam: src/%.erl test/eunit/%.erl" have you tried just:

%.beam: %.erl

This doesn't work as my Makefile isn't in the same directory as the source or output. I have./Makefile./src./test/eunit
Jeremy Raymond
+3  A: 

You can use the vpath/VPATH in your Makefile

.SUFFIXES: .erl .beam .yrl

# use vpath to tell make where to search for %.erl files
vpath %.erl src eunit
# or use VPATH to tell make where to search for any prerequisite
# VPATH=src:eunit    

ERL_OBJ = $(patsubst src/%.erl,ebin/%.beam, $(wildcard src/*erl))
ERL_OBJ += $(patsubst eunit/%.erl,ebin/%.beam, $(wildcard eunit/*erl))

all: main

main: ${ERL_OBJ}

ebin/%.beam: %.erl
    erlc +debug_info -W -o ebin $<

    rm -fr ebin/*.beam
Now this is what I was looking for. Thanks a bunch, it works like a charm.
Jeremy Raymond