




I have the following tables:

create table Users(
 Id uniqueidentifier primary key,
 InfoId uniqueidentifier not null unique,
 Password nvarchar(255) not null

Create table UserInfo(
 Id uniqueidentifier primary key,
 Company nvarchar(255) not null,
 ContactPerson nvarchar(255) not null

And InfoId is a foreign key referencing UserInfo(Id).

I want to map this to the following class:

public class UserCredentials
    public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
    public virtual string PasswordHash { get; set; }

    protected UserCredentials() { }

I want to following mapping:

Id  --> Users(Id)
UserName --> UserInfo(Company)
PasswordHash --> Users(Password)

I tried the following mapping:

<hibernate-mapping xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
    <class name="UserCredentials" table="Users">
     <id name="Id" type="Guid">
      <generator class="guid.comb" />

    <property name="PasswordHash" not-null="true" column="Password"/>
    <join table="UserInfo">
      <key column="Id" foreign-key="InfoId"/>
      <property name="UserName" column="Company" not-null="true" />

But it seems the <key> element is incorrectly specified (the foreign-key attribute) does not do what I want. If I leave out the foreign-key attribute, it tries to join on the Id columns of both tables, which is not correct.

I don't want to include an InfoId property on my UserCredentials class if it is possible to avoid it.

Can anyone help me achieve the desired mapping?

+2  A: 

When you want to join in a realation or just another table like you do here based on not the primary key but on some other column you need to use the property-ref attribute.

like this:

<property name="InfoId" not-null="true" column="InfoId"/>
<property name="PasswordHash" not-null="true" column="Password"/>

<join table="UserInfo">
  <key column="Id" property-ref="InfoId"/>
  <property name="UserName" column="Company" not-null="true" />

This means that you need to also add InfoId to your UserCredentials class, there is currently no way to mapp a relation or a join like above by using a column name you have to speficy a property (NH will use the column that property refers to)

On a side note, the foreign-key attribute is a little missleading, it only specifies the name of the database foreign key that will be generated if you let nhibernate create the database schema.

Thanks, that was kinda what I had in mind, having to add a property for the foreign key.
Morten Jacobsen