I'm trying to run Camel 2.1 SU with Servicemix. As i understand there are no way to run Camel 2 with Servicemix 3, and i'm try to run it with FUSE Servicemix
When i starting my project with maven: mvn jbi:servicemix
i receive following error:
unexpected element (uri:"http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring", local:"camelContext"). Expected elements are <{http://activemq.apache.org/camel/schema/spring}aggregator>
That means that my camel-context.xml
was parsed by Camel 1.x
Is there any way to use my, provided with SA/SU, version of Camel? Yes, i know that I can download Servicemix, remove existing Camel 1.x, and place there my version, but I don't want that hacks :( I need to run this using mvn jbi:servicemix
command only
You can view all sources (poms, etc) of this project at http://github.com/splix/smx-currency-rates/tree/skeleton