



We are wanting to add support for fingerprint authentication in a .Net 3.5 application.

We currently are only using the sdk from Griaule. But this only supports like 5 usb plug-and-play devices. We are wanting to support most readers included with laptops, tablets, etc.

Is there a universal way to support many devices? I know there is a new standard starting with Windows 7, but we want to support XP and higher.

Is there even a .Net SDK out there for UPEK or Authentec devices?

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

+1  A: 

I think its best if you develop for WBF, also if you want UPEK has an API called BSAPI that you can interop in C#.

L. Cooper
Can WBF work on XP? If not, it almost seems useless unless we wait a few years until Windows 7 is the standard. I will look into your other suggestion, however.
UPEK had an approval process to get their free sdk, otherwise it's going to be $1000 per year. I'm starting to think that this is something that fingerprint reader hardware manufacturers do not want us to be able to accomplish. GrFinger from Griaule was nice because it was a one-time sdk purchase from a past application, but we do not want to have to go that route for every device we want to use.
The UPEK sdk I tried does not give you access to the actual fingerpint data. It can only give you events for approved/declined and map to a windows user. This is useless for our scenario.
+1  A: 

I am going to say there is no such SDK for universal fingerprint reading.

After a week or so of researching, it looks like the only thing with promise is Windows 7's WBF (Windows Biometric Framework).

It will be a couple of years before this is a viable option.


This company offers a great SDk that gives you actual fingerprint data. I'm not sure if it's for just the device they offer or if it's standard for other devices, however, there biometrics are very, very nice.

Michael G
We have already been using this SDK, it only works for 5 devices. It doesn't work for built-in biometric readers found on most Dell laptops (these are UPEK or Authentec readers). If you know a way to make their SDK work with these readers, by all means let me know.