




I've got the following query:

select * from members,subscriptions where members.MemberID = subscriptions.MemberID and subscriptions.Year = 2009 and members.ASSCID = 15 and subscriptions.Untildate between '$2009-01-01' and '2009-12-31' order by members.Memberlastname

Members pay either their annual subscription once (annual subscription) or they pay 2 times, one in january and one in june (six month subscriptions). What i want is to pull the members who paid at least once.

The statement above will bring some members twice (those who paid both on january and june).

Is is possible to pull the members who paid at least once (no matter if they paid an annual or a six month subscription). Avoiding duplicates.


Use SELECT DISTINCT, that will get only the unique values of the columns you select.

Francis Upton
See this SO post "Is there any difference between Group By and Distinct" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/164319/is-there-any-difference-between-group-by-and-distinct
@Adrian thanks for that, I had never thought about that before.
Francis Upton

All records from members table where each member has at least one subscription:

select members.*
from members join
   members.MemberID, count(*)
   from members join subscriptions on (members.MemberID = subscriptions.MemberID)
   where subscriptions.Year = 2009
   and subscriptions.Untildate between '2009-01-01' and '2009-12-31'
   group by members.MemberID 
   having count(*) >= 1
v on ( members.MemberID = v.MemberID)
where members.ASSCID = 15
Not sure about the "having count(*) >1" - wouldn't that exclude the people who paid only once?
Francis Upton
i am having a select * in my statement because i want to display the records in a table. Do i have to select each field seperately like members.MemberID?
@Francis Upton Fixed
@Gerasimos You can either include all wanted fields from members table in the group by list or join back to members table on MemberID (primary key I assume)
not sure i am following :) an example?
@Gerasimos answers is updated
Works perfectly Andrian. Thanx for that :)
Consider also Steve De Caux's solution which uses "exists" - it might be more performant
+1  A: 

Edited Answer

You can do an exists on subscriptions to find the members who have paid at least once for a given year:

select * from members
where  members.ASSCID = 15 and   
exists (select 1 from subscriptions  
where members.MemberID = subscriptions.MemberID   
and subscriptions.Year = 2009   

order by members.Memberlastname
Steve De Caux
year is used to specify for what year a member is paying. the could be paying in 2007 for the year 2006 or 2005