I've tried to search it here and google'd it but can't find any info nor a relevant question. What are some famous sites that have been built in Django?
I've tried to search it here and google'd it but can't find any info nor a relevant question. What are some famous sites that have been built in Django?
famous .. or at least 'highest rated' ... http://www.djangosites.org/highest-rated/
well, http://www.lawrence.com/ first comes to mind (and other sites of LJ which django was originally created for). As this is a relatively new framework, I dont think there are some well-known established projects running on it. Give it a coupe more years...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/, according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886221/does-django-scale
Popular sites which use Django include
As others already mentioned, Django is also used by many newspaper websites
According to David Cramer's High Performance Django talk (slides, video) at DjangoCon, Curse.com was completely rewritten to switch from PHP to Python/Django.
MichaelMoore.com was built in 5 weeks using Django. I mention it because of the compressed time-frame to production and the use of Haystack for full text search.
University of Caxias do Sul in Brazil uses Django (portuguese) since 2007. This is a relatively big university down there.
Lupo S/A (textiles) in Brazil uses Django (portuguese but with brazilian models!) Lupo is a big name in the country, and their website is multilingual (Portuguese, Spanish and English).
And I think the folks at Fluendo, in Spain, (developers of Moovida) also base their web development on Django.