I am able to run the Liferay portal from the tomcat bundle, but im now trying to run it after building the source code of the portal which i checked out in Eclipse(Galileo).The build completed successfully.Also,the Ext build completed successfully. I am now trying to do a Fast Deploy in Ext. To do that i dragged build.xml from ext/ext-web folder in Eclipse(Galileo) to the Ant View. Then i souble clicked on the Ant target deploy-fast.I got a Build-Successful for that. But when i start tomcat, to access the Liferay portal, i get the errors as follows.
SEVERE:Error listenerStart
SEVERE: Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
log4j:ERROR LogManager. repositorySelector was null liely due to error in class reloading,using NOPLoggerRepository
Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
Any way to fix this ?
Thank You