



Hi ,

I start a new job on the 4th of jan and I need two books one on Wordpress for developers and one on CMS maybe focused on a certain CMS would be good does any one have any recommendations for a good book?

+1  A: 

Wordpress is available for free at - you can download the source, get it running on a machine and start playing with it.

I see you have some PHP experience so you shouldn't have a problem with digging around to see how it works.

It is possible to download plugins for Wordpress all of which come with source code - have a look at those and learn how they work.

Matt Breckon

Although you asked for books, I recommend that you check out the tutorials on WordPress (like this excellent one) and perhaps some on either Joomla or Drupal. Books become out-of-date quite quickly, though they are usually more comprehensive and better structured.

Since it's for a new job and you don't know what you'll be doing, try to understand how the CMS is structured. First, understand it from a user perspective and then try to understand where the developer usually works (themes and plugins, in WordPress).

Analyze the APIs and try to do at least one theme (even an ugly one) and one plugin (even a HelloWorld, but if you have an idea, that's better).

Also, check out docx, which has tons of tutorials online.


I have heard this is really good and starts at the basics and builds all the way to plugin development.

+1  A: 

Wordpress for Dummies
