I'm running a Delphi application that uses BDE for database connection. Ocassionally (more often than I'd like) this error pops up when opening a query.
Googling for this error, most picks refer to MS SQLServer database, and speak about a dbsetmaxprocs function, which I can't seem to find.
So the question is: how can I prevent/correct this error? On which situations does this error rise and how can I avoid/work around it?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I leave some links I followed for reference.
- Keep getting error: "Maximum number of DBPROCESSES already allocated".
tried that, didn't work. - SQL Error 10029 - Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated
can't find unclosed connections in my code. - BUG: dbprocerrhandle Does Not Get Fired For Error 10029
can't find dbsetmaxprocs anywhere. - Same question at ServerFault