



I have posted this before, but I would like to refine my question (and I can't seem to do it in the old thread).

The code is:

            var rot=$('#image3').rotate({maxAngle:25,minAngle:-55,

It's taken from here:, and there's a demo of the functionality there as well (animating an image rotation - the 3rd demo on the page).

What I need explained:

  1. I understand that there's a variable being declared -"rot", but I can't seem to understand where the declaration ends....

  2. When the variable is used, it is used as rot[0], what does [0] stands for? is this an array?

  3. I've never seen bind used like that, the original syntax is

    $("selector").bind( type, [data], fn );

What's going on, then? What are all the commas and [ ] about?

  1. What I'd like to do, eventually, is use this script to rotate image "X", while "Y" element is being clicked. How can this be done (preferably without "bind")?


+2  A: 

Declaration ends on 2nd to last semicolon. The reference is captured and will be used much later, during the execution of the callback functions passed.

rot is a jQuery object, which is not an array but can be indexed like one.

rot[0] is the first DOM object which matches the selector #image3, i.e. the object with ID image3.

bind, in this case, is not the function bind, but part of the options passed to rotate.

Square brackets [foo, bar] indicate a literal array of foo and bar. Curly braces { foo: "foo", bar: "bar"} are a literal object with properties foo and bar.

Craig Stuntz
Thanks, this also helps!
+1  A: 
  1. The declaration ends at the first semicolon. rot is assigned the value that rotate() returns (which, in this case, is the same as the result of $('#image3'), due to jQuery's method chaining syntax). Everything between rotate( and the next ) is just arguments passed to rotate().

  2. Yes, [0] is array access. rot[0] refers to the first ("0th") item in the array rot.

  3. Here, { maxAngle:25, minAngle:-55, bind: ... } is an "Object literal," i.e. syntax for an Object that has the properties maxAngle, minAngle, and bind. If you assigned this object to a variable myObject (instead of just passing it as an argument to rotate()), you could then access its properties like myObject.maxAngle, myObject.minAngle, and myObject.bind. In this case bind isn't a function, it's just the name of a property on the object.

Thanks, that helps a lot! So now the only thing I don't get is how to seperate the selector from the functionality, i.e. hover element X to rotate element Y...
It looks like NWCoder answered that on your previous question.
Not exactly, it's not animating... he used the basic .rotate(), which is kind of a given...
+4  A: 

I think the basic syntactic issues have been explained by others here quite well...

In terms of:

What I'd like to do, eventually, is use this script to rotate image "X", while "Y" element is being clicked. How can this be done (preferably without "bind")?

Try this:

var x=$("#imagex"); //<-- image to be rotated
var y=$("#elemy"); //<-- element to be clicked
var angleOfRotation=45; //<-- angle of rotation


Ok, the missing piece - this is how you use the above code to trigger rotation by another element:

var itemYouWannaRotate = $("#imageToRotate").rotate(0);

Thanks guys, all your answers were a big help.

That's what I said in my answer
Hey pǝlɐɥʞ,Sorry, I missed your answer. Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for as you can see.Adam