I am using the following code to perform drag operation on NSTextView object.
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id )sender
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType] )
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard];
if ([[fileURL path] hasSuffix:@"plist"])
NSString *code = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:fileURL encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
int cnt = [[self string] length];
if (cnt) [self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, cnt)];
[self insertText:code];
return YES;
return NO;
I have declared this method in the .h file as well.
But after running the code it showing following warnings.
warning: 'AppConroller' may not respond to '-string' (Messages without a matching method signature will be assumed to return 'id' and accept'...' as arguments.)
warning: 'AppConroller' may not respond to '-setSelectedRange:'
warning: 'AppConroller' may not respond to '-insertText:'