




I realized that I didn't give enough information for most people to read my mind and understand all my needs, so I changed this somewhat from the original.

Say I've got a list of items of a class like this:

public class Thing
    int Foo;
    int Bar;
    string Baz;

And I want to categorize the Baz string based on the values of Foo, then Bar. There will be at most one Thing for each possible combination of Foo and Bar values, but I'm not guaranteed to have a value for each one. It may help to conceptualize it as cell information for a table: Foo is the row number, Bar is the column number, and Baz is the value to be found there, but there won't necessarily be a value present for every cell.

IEnumerable<Thing> things = GetThings();
List<int> foos = GetAllFoos();
List<int> bars = GetAllBars();
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>> dict = // what do I put here?
foreach(int foo in foos)
    // I may have code here to do something for each foo...
    foreach(int bar in bars)
        // I may have code here to do something for each bar...
        if (dict.ContainsKey(foo) && dict[foo].ContainsKey(bar))
            // I want to have O(1) lookups
            string baz = dict[foo][bar];
            // I may have code here to do something with the baz.

What's an easy, elegant way to generate the nested dictionary? I've been using C# long enough that I'm getting used to finding simple, one-line solutions for all of the common stuff like this, but this one has me stumped.

Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, int>> nestedDictionary = 
            new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, int>>();
You didn't quite understand the gist of my question. I'm looking for a linq statement or something that would allow me to populate the dictionary from an existing list, not simply instantiate it.
+3  A: 

Define your own custom generic NestedDictionary class

public class NestedDictionary<K1, K2, V>: 
     Dictionary<K1, Dictionary<K2, V>> {}

then in your code you write

NestedDictionary<int, int, string> dict = 
       new NestedDictionary<int, int, string> ();

if you use the int, int, string one a lot, define a custom class for that too..

   public class NestedIntStringDictionary: 
        NestedDictionary<int, int, string> {}

and then write:

  NestedIntStringDictionary dict = 
          new NestedIntStringDictionary();

EDIT: To add capability to construct specific instance from provided List of items:

   public class NestedIntStringDictionary: 
        NestedDictionary<int, int, string> 
        public NestedIntStringDictionary(IEnumerable<> items)
            foreach(Thing t in items)
                Dictionary<int, string> innrDict = 
                       ContainsKey(t.Foo)? this[t.Foo]: 
                           new Dictionary<int, string> (); 
                if (innrDict.ContainsKey(t.Bar))
                   throw new ArgumentException(
                          "key value: {0} is already in dictionary", t.Bar));
                else innrDict.Add(t.Bar, t.Baz);

and then write:

  NestedIntStringDictionary dict = 
       new NestedIntStringDictionary(GetThings());
Charles Bretana
What would the accessor look like?
Scott Whitlock
@Scott W.: `Tuple<K1, K2>`.
How does this help me to elegantly build a nested dictionary from the data I've been given?
Sorry, I answered original question, which did not make this point clear... Edited my answer to show you, explicitly, how to do that...
Charles Bretana
+1  A: 

You may be able to use a KeyedCollection where you define:

class ThingCollection
    : KeyedCollection<Dictionary<int,int>,Employee>
Scott Whitlock
It isn't immediately obvious to me how this would solve my problem. Please elaborate.
+7  A: 

Here's a solution using Linq:

Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, string>> dict = things
    .GroupBy(thing => thing.Foo)
    .ToDictionary(fooGroup => fooGroup.Key,
                  fooGroup => fooGroup.ToDictionary(thing => thing.Bar,
                                                    thing => thing.Baz));
Mark Byers
Use "var dict ="And you can use LINQ to collapse your multiple foreach statements:var bazs = dict.SelectMany(topPair => topPair.Value.Values);foreach(string baz in bazs){ // ...}
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
This appears to be the short, elegant solution I was looking for. The GroupBy/ToDictionary combo was what I was having trouble coming up with on my own. Thank you.
+8  A: 

An elegant way would be to not create the dictionaries yourself but use LINQ GroupBy and ToDictionary to generate it for you.

var things = new[] {
    new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 2, Baz = "ONETWO!" },
    new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "ONETHREE!" },
    new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 2, Baz = "ONETWO!" }

var bazGroups = things
    .GroupBy(t => t.Foo)
    .ToDictionary(gFoo => gFoo.Key, gFoo => gFoo
        .GroupBy(t => t.Bar)
        .ToDictionary(gBar => gBar.Key, gBar => gBar.First().Baz));

Debug.Fail("Inspect the bazGroups variable.");

I assume that by categorizing Baz using Foo and Bar you mean that if two things have both Foo and Bar equals then their Baz value also be the same as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You're basically group by the Foo property first...
then for each resulting group, you group on the Bar property...
then for each resulting group you take the first Baz value as the dictionary value.

If you noticed, the method names matched exactly what you are trying to do. :-)

EDIT: Here's another way using query comprehensions, they are longer but are quiet easier to read and grok:

var bazGroups =
    (from t1 in things
     group t1 by t1.Foo into gFoo
     select new
         Key = gFoo.Key,
         Value = (from t2 in gFoo
                  group t2 by t2.Bar into gBar
                  select gBar)
                  .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First().Baz)
     .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Value);

Unfortunately, there are no query comprehension counterpart for ToDictionary so it's not as elegant as the lambda expressions.


Hope this helps.

Excellent answer.
*sigh* I can't wait to get out of .NET 2.0, dying to use LINQ.
Matt Baker
My sympathies... =\
Erik Forbes
+1 for completeness of your answer. I was tempted to mark this as *the* answer, but Mark's answer got more points for elegance by eliminating the need for the second `GroupBy` and the `First`. (Matt, my sympathies, too. LINQ is pretty much the coolest thing in programming since OO, IMHO)
I tend to err on the side of readability and clear intentions. I think it's terse enough just using LINQ, no need to do all the clever tricks . Although, I agreed that dictionary trick one is nice :)
+2  A: 

Another approach would be to key your dictionary using an anonymous type based on both the Foo and Bar values.

var things = new List<Thing>
                     new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 4, Baz = "quick"},
                     new Thing {Foo = 3, Bar = 8, Baz = "brown"},
                     new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 4, Baz = "fox"},
                     new Thing {Foo = 6, Bar = 8, Baz = "jumps"}
var dict = things.ToDictionary(thing => new {thing.Foo, thing.Bar},
                               thing => thing.Baz);
var baz = dict[new {Foo = 3, Bar = 4}];

This effectively flattens your hierarchy into a single dictionary. Note that this dictionary cannot be exposed externally since it is based on an anonymous type.

If the Foo and Bar value combination isn't unique in your original collection, then you would need to group them first.

var dict = things
    .GroupBy(thing => new {thing.Foo, thing.Bar})
    .ToDictionary(group => group.Key,
                  group => group.Select(thing => thing.Baz));
var bazes = dict[new {Foo = 3, Bar = 4}];
foreach (var baz in bazes)
Nathan Baulch
I appreciate your taking the time to come up with such a complete answer, and I can understand why you came up with this solution based on how I originally worded the question, but it doesn't actually do what I need it to.
+1  A: 

I think the simplest approach would be to use the LINQ extension methods. Obviously I haven't tested this code for performace.

var items = new[] {
  new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "a" },
  new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 3, Baz = "b" },
  new Thing { Foo = 1, Bar = 4, Baz = "c" },
  new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 4, Baz = "d" },
  new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 5, Baz = "e" },
  new Thing { Foo = 2, Bar = 5, Baz = "f" }

var q = items
  .ToLookup(i => i.Foo) // first key
    i => i.Key, 
    i => i.ToLookup(
      j => j.Bar,       // second key
      j => j.Baz));     // value

foreach (var foo in q) {
  Console.WriteLine("{0}: ", foo.Key);
  foreach (var bar in foo.Value) {
    Console.WriteLine("  {0}: ", bar.Key);
    foreach (var baz in bar) {
      Console.WriteLine("    {0}", baz.ToUpper());


