The hex value is 1679EDDF2CFD1455
I am expecting the decimal equivalent to be 1.619587084 X 10 ^ 18
If possible, could someone please confirm this, and if possible I would love more significant digits to the decimal value.
Thank you in advance.
The hex value is 1679EDDF2CFD1455
I am expecting the decimal equivalent to be 1.619587084 X 10 ^ 18
If possible, could someone please confirm this, and if possible I would love more significant digits to the decimal value.
Thank you in advance.
For completeness, here's what Ruby says:
jfpoole@brakhage:~$ irb
>> 0x1679EDDF2CFD1455
=> 1619587083804677205
Since everyone's doing it, I'll throw in the bc
version. :P
$ bc
bc 1.06
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