



What is the proper way to handle a module level array in a VBA class?

I use Property Let and Property Get for other variables, but I haven't figured out how to pass arrays to and from Properties.

Updated. This code works thanks to Mark Nold.

Option Explicit

Private mstrTestArray() As String

Public Property Get TestArray() As String()
    TestArray = mstrTestArray
End Property
Public Property Let TestArray(ByRef strTestArray() As String)
    mstrTestArray = strTestArray
End Property
Public Property Get TestArrayValue(d1 As Long, d2 As Long) As String
    TestArrayValue = mstrTestArray(d1, d2)
End Property
Public Property Let TestArrayValue(d1 As Long, d2 As Long, strValue As String)
    strTestArray(d1, d2) = strValue
End Property

Sub DoTest()

    Dim strTestArray() As String
    ReDim strTestArray(2, 1) As String

    strTestArray(0, 0) = "a": strTestArray(0, 1) = "one"
    strTestArray(1, 0) = "b": strTestArray(1, 1) = "two"
    strTestArray(2, 0) = "c": strTestArray(2, 1) = "three"

    TestArray = strTestArray

    Debug.Print TestArrayValue(UBound(TestArray, 1), UBound(TestArray, 2))

End Sub

The following does not work. This top part is a method in the above class:

Sub LetArrayFromReference(ByRef strTestArray() As String)
    TestArray = strTestArray
End Sub

This part is a procedure that calls the class:

Sub DoTest()

    Dim strTestArray() As String
    ReDim strTestArray(2, 1) As String
    Dim objTestClass As New TestClass

    strTestArray(0, 0) = "a": strTestArray(0, 1) = "one"
    strTestArray(1, 0) = "b": strTestArray(1, 1) = "two"
    strTestArray(2, 0) = "c": strTestArray(2, 1) = "three"

    objTestClass.LetArrayFromReference strTestArray

    Debug.Print objTestClass.TestArrayValue(UBound(objTestClass.TestArray, 1) _
    , UBound(objTestClass.TestArray, 2))

End Sub


+1  A: 

The code below might give you some clues to help. First define a class called TestClass.

Option Explicit

Private strTestArray() As String

Public Property Get TestArrayValue(d1 As Long, d2 As Long) As String
    TestArrayValue = strTestArray(d1, d2)
End Property

Public Property Let TestArrayValue(d1 As Long, d2 As Long, sValue As String)
    strTestArray(d1, d2) = sValue
End Property

Sub DoTest()

    Dim myTestArray() As String
    ReDim myTestArray(3, 1) As String

    myTestArray(0, 0) = "a": myTestArray(0, 1) = "one"
    myTestArray(1, 0) = "b": myTestArray(1, 1) = "two"
    myTestArray(2, 0) = "c": myTestArray(2, 1) = "three"

    strTestArray = myTestArray
    Me.TestArrayValue(3, 1) = "Hello"

    Debug.Print strTestArray(2, 1)
    Debug.Print Me.TestArrayValue(1, 1)
    Debug.Print Me.TestArrayValue(3, 1)

End Sub

Then in a code module or a worksheet create a sub called MyTest();

Option Explicit

Sub MyTest()
  Dim t As New TestClass

  Debug.Print "The value at 1,1 is; " & t.TestArrayValue(1, 1)
End Sub

Within the class you can update strTestArray() or Me.TestArrayValue. I'll let you create a Get and set for TestArray. I'm not 100% sure of what you are trying to if you have any questions leave a comment and update your OP :)

Mark Nold
That's the tip I was looking for. You basically have to have two sets of Let/Get for an array property. One for the value and one for the array. I also had a typo in my code. Thanks Mark!
Mark, I added some code (after "The following does not work") to my question. Can you please comment on why it is not possible to set the array property from a method parameter? Is it because doing so tries to create a ByRef from a ByRef? Thanks!