




I have a binary search tree created in c. The problem is I can't find a efficient way to delete all the nodes with e.g. id>5.

When I traverse the tree, if I delete a node, the recursion is getting error, because the structure is not the same.

Is there any way, instead of using a helping stack to keep the data before delete them from the tree??? Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

Did you try postorder?
Delete the node after its children.

I was trying to do it with in-order traversing. Using the post-order, I fixed my problem. Thanks for the remind!

I would do an inorder walk, this gives you an orderd list of all items. Then build the tree again.

Or if you need to do this often, maybe a AVL tree is better.

Carsten C.

Hi, Kostas. You need to give more information.

A binary tree just means a tree whose nodes have (a maximum of) two children. Data can be ordered many ways on such a tree:

  • Unordered: There is no relationship between a parent and its nodes.
  • Heap: A node is bigger than (or smaller than) all of its children
  • Ordered: One child is designated smaller and the other larger. All values smaller than the root are to one side, all values larger to the other.

If you give us code, we might be able to help more.

Chip Uni
it does say *"binary search tree"*.
The insert adds only leaves (something like this The way I am searching is:while (curr != NULL) { prev = curr; if (id < curr->id) curr = curr->lc; else curr = curr->rc;}and then, if the id is smaller I add it as left child of prev, else as right child.
+1  A: 

I will prefer the AVL tree for this satuation.

here is the code take what you want

class BSTree

/*     */   public static final int INSERT = 1;

/*     */   public static final int DELETE = -1;

/*     */   BTNode root;

/*     */   boolean AVL;

/*     */   boolean SPL;

/*     */   boolean RBL;

/*     */   BTNode lastnode;

/*     */   int nextside;
/*     */ 

/*     */   public BSTree(int mode)
/*     */   {
/*  18 */     this.root = null;

/*  19 */     setMode(mode, true);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void setMode(int mode, boolean state) {

/*  23 */     switch (mode)

/*     */     {

/*     */     case 1:

/*  26 */       if (state == true)

/*     */       {

/*  28 */         this.AVL = true;

/*  29 */         this.SPL = false;

/*  30 */         this.RBL = false;

/*     */ 
/*  26 */         return;

/*     */       }

/*     */ 
/*  33 */       this.AVL = false;

/*  34 */       break;

/*     */     case 2:

/*  37 */       if (state == true)

/*     */       {

/*  39 */         this.SPL = true;

/*  40 */         this.AVL = false;

/*  41 */         this.RBL = false;

/*     */ 
/*  37 */         return;

/*     */       }
/*     */ 

/*  44 */       this.SPL = false;

/*  45 */       break;

/*     */     case 3:

/*  48 */       if (state == true)

/*     */       {

/*  50 */         this.RBL = true;

/*  51 */         this.AVL = false;

/*  52 */         this.SPL = false;

/*     */ 
/*  48 */         return;

/*     */       }

/*     */ 
/*  55 */       this.RBL = false;

/*  56 */       break;

/*     */     default:

/*  59 */       this.AVL = false;

/*  60 */       this.SPL = false;

/*  61 */       this.RBL = false;

/*     */     }

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public boolean isAVL() {

/*  66 */     return this.AVL;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public boolean isSPL() {

/*  70 */     return this.SPL;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public boolean isRBL() {

/*  74 */     return this.RBL;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode getRoot()

/*     */   {

/*  79 */     return this.root;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void setRoot(BTNode node) {

/*  83 */     this.root = node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public boolean isEmpty() {

/*  87 */     return (this.root == null);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public int getDepth()

/*     */   {

/*  92 */     int maxdepth = 0;

/*  93 */     for (BTNode node = this.root; node != null; node = node.nextPrO())

/*     */     {

/*  95 */       int depth = node.getDepth(this.root);

/*  96 */       if (depth > maxdepth)

/*  97 */         maxdepth = depth;

/*     */     }

/*  99 */     return maxdepth;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void destroy(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 104 */     node = null;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode find(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 113 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 114 */     if (isSPL())

/* 115 */       splay(this.lastnode);

/* 116 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode insert(BTData data) {

/* 120 */     if (isSPL()) {

/* 121 */       return insertSPL(data);

/*     */     }

/* 123 */     if (isAVL()) {

/* 124 */       return insertAVL(data);

/*     */     }

/* 126 */     if (isRBL()) {

/* 127 */       return insertRBL(data);

/*     */     }

/* 129 */     return insertBST(data);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode delete(BTData data, int minmax) {

/* 133 */     if (isAVL()) {

/* 134 */       return deleteAVL(data, minmax);

/*     */     }

/* 136 */     if (isSPL()) {

/* 137 */       return deleteSPL(data, minmax);

/*     */     }

/* 139 */     if (isRBL()) {

/* 140 */       return deleteRBL(data, minmax);

/*     */     }

/* 142 */     return deleteBST(data, minmax);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode locate(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 150 */     BTNode node = this.root;

/* 151 */     BTNode next = null;

/* 152 */     int side = 0;
/*     */ 

/* 154 */     while (node != null)

/*     */     {

/* 156 */       side = node.compareSide(data);

/* 157 */       next = node.getChild(side);

/* 158 */       if (next == node) break; if (next == null)
/*     */         break;

/* 160 */       node = next;

/*     */     }

/* 162 */     this.lastnode = node;

/* 163 */     this.nextside = side;

/* 164 */     return next;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode add(BTNode node, int side, BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 170 */     BTNode newnode = new BTNode(data);

/* 171 */     link(node, side, newnode);

/* 172 */     return newnode;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode remove(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 181 */     BTNode child = node.getChild();

/* 182 */     BTNode parent = node.getParent();

/* 183 */     int side = node.getSide();

/* 184 */     link(parent, side, child);

/* 185 */     destroy(node);

/* 186 */     return parent;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void link(BTNode parent, int side, BTNode child)

/*     */   {

/* 193 */     if (child != null)

/* 194 */       child.setParent(parent);

/* 195 */     if (parent != null)

/* 196 */       parent.setChild(side, child);

/*     */     else

/* 198 */       this.root = child;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode rotate(BTNode node, int side)

/*     */   {

/* 206 */     BTNode parent = node.getParent();

/* 207 */     BTNode child = node.getChild(-side);

/* 208 */     BTNode grand = child.getChild(side);

/*     */ 
/* 210 */     link(node, -side, grand);

/* 211 */     link(parent, node.getSide(), child);

/* 212 */     link(child, side, node);

/* 213 */     return child;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode swap(BTNode node, int minmax)

/*     */   {

/* 222 */     BTNode swap = getSuccessor(node, minmax);

/* 223 */     BTNode temp = node;

/* 224 */     swapData(node, swap);

/* 225 */     node = swap;

/* 226 */     swap = temp;

/* 227 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode getSuccessor(BTNode node, int minmax) {

/* 231 */     return ((minmax == 1) ? node.prevInO() : node.nextInO());

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void swapData(BTNode node1, BTNode node2)

/*     */   {
/* 237 */     BTData data = node1.getData();

/* 238 */     node1.setData(node2.getData());

/* 239 */     node2.setData(data);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public void deleteAll()

/*     */   {

/* 245 */     for (BTNode node = this.root.firstPoO(); node != null; )

/*     */     {
/* 247 */       BTNode leaf = node;

/* 248 */       node = leaf.nextPoO();

/* 249 */       destroy(leaf);

/*     */     }

/* 251 */     this.root = null;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode locateBST(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 260 */     for (BTNode node = this.root; node != null; )

/*     */     {
/* 262 */       int side = node.compareSide(data);

/* 263 */       if (side == 0)
/*     */         break;

/* 265 */       node = node.getChild(side);

/*     */     }

/* 267 */     return node;

/*     */   }
/*     */ 
/*     */   public BTNode insertBST(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 272 */     if (this.root == null)

/* 273 */       return add(null, 0, data);

/* 274 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 275 */     return ((node != null) ? null : add(this.lastnode, this.nextside, data));

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode deleteBST(BTData data, int minmax)

/*     */   {

/* 280 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 281 */     if (node == null)

/* 282 */       return null;

/* 283 */     if (node.hasTwoChildren())

/* 284 */       node = swap(node, minmax);

/* 285 */     return remove(node);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode insertAVL(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 297 */     if (this.root == null)

/* 298 */       return add(null, 0, data);

/* 299 */     if (locate(data) != null)

/* 300 */       return null;

/* 301 */     BTNode node = add(this.lastnode, this.nextside, data);

/* 302 */     rebalanceAVL(this.lastnode, this.nextside, 1);

/* 303 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode deleteAVL(BTData data, int minmax)

/*     */   {

/* 315 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 316 */     if (node == null) {

/* 317 */       return null;

/*     */     }

/* 319 */     if (node.hasTwoChildren()) {

/* 320 */       node = swap(node, minmax);

/*     */     }

/* 322 */     int side = node.getSide();

/* 323 */     node = remove(node);

/* 324 */     rebalanceAVL(node, side, -1);

/* 325 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public void rebalanceAVL(BTNode node, int side, int in)

/*     */   {

/* 333 */     for (; node != null; node = node.getParent())

/*     */     {

/* 335 */       if (node.getBalance() != in * side)

/* 336 */         node.setBalance(node.getBalance() + in * side);

/*     */       else {

/* 338 */         node = rotateAVL(node);

/*     */       }

/* 340 */       if ((in == 1) && (node.getBalance() == 0)) return; if ((in == -1) && 

(node.getBalance() != 0))

/*     */         return;

/* 342 */       side = node.getSide();

/*     */     }

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode rotateAVL(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 357 */     int side = node.getBalance();

/* 358 */     BTNode child = node.getChild(side);

/*     */ 

/* 360 */     if (child.getBalance() == -side)

/*     */     {

/* 362 */       BTNode grand = child.getChild(-side);

/* 363 */       if (grand.getBalance() == -side)

/*     */       {

/* 365 */         grand.setBalance(0);

/* 366 */         child.setBalance(side);

/* 367 */         node.setBalance(0);

/*     */       }

/* 369 */       else if (grand.getBalance() == side)

/*     */       {

/* 371 */         grand.setBalance(0);

/* 372 */         child.setBalance(0);

/* 373 */         node.setBalance(-side);

/*     */       }

/*     */       else {

/* 376 */         node.setBalance(0);

/* 377 */         child.setBalance(0);

/*     */       }

/* 379 */       rotate(child, side);

/*     */     }

/* 382 */     else if (child.getBalance() == side)

/*     */     {

/* 384 */       node.setBalance(0);

/* 385 */       child.setBalance(0);

/*     */     }

/* 387 */     else if (child.getBalance() == 0)

/*     */     {

/* 389 */       node.setBalance(side);

/* 390 */       child.setBalance(-side);

/*     */     }

/* 392 */     node = rotate(node, -side);

/* 393 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public void balanceAVL(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 400 */     int side = node.getBalance();

/* 401 */     BTNode child = node.getChild(side);

/* 402 */     if (child.getBalance() == -side)

/*     */     {

/* 404 */       BTNode grand = child.getChild(-side);

/* 405 */       if (grand.getBalance() == -side)

/*     */       {

/* 407 */         grand.setBalance(0);

/* 408 */         child.setBalance(side);

/* 409 */         node.setBalance(0);

/*     */       }

/* 411 */       else if (grand.getBalance() == side)

/*     */       {

/* 413 */         grand.setBalance(0);

/* 414 */         child.setBalance(0);

/* 415 */         node.setBalance(-side);

/*     */       }

/*     */       else {

/* 418 */         node.setBalance(0);

/* 419 */         child.setBalance(0);

/*     */       }

/*     */ 

/*     */     }

/* 423 */     else if (child.getBalance() == side)

/*     */     {

/* 425 */       child.setBalance(0);

/* 426 */       node.setBalance(0);

/*     */     } else {

/* 428 */       if (child.getBalance() != 0)

/*     */         return;

/* 430 */       child.setBalance(-side);

/*     */     }

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public boolean isAVLcompliant(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 440 */     boolean balanced = true;

/*     */ 

/* 442 */     if (node == null)

/* 443 */       return true;

/* 444 */     int l = getHeight(node.getChild(-1), 0);

/* 445 */     int r = getHeight(node.getChild(1), 0);

/* 446 */     node.setBalance(r - l);

/* 447 */     if ((r - l > 1) || (r - l < -1))

/* 448 */       balanced = false;

/* 449 */     return ((balanced) && (isAVLcompliant(node.getChild(-1))) && (isAVLcompliant


/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public int getHeight(BTNode node, int depth)

/*     */   {

/* 454 */     if (node == null)

/* 455 */       return 0;

/* 456 */     if (node.isLeaf()) {

/* 457 */       return (depth + 1);

/*     */     }

/*     */ 

/* 460 */     int lmax = getHeight(node.getChild(-1), depth + 1);

/* 461 */     int rmax = getHeight(node.getChild(1), depth + 1);

/* 462 */     return ((lmax > rmax) ? lmax : rmax);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode insertSPL(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 474 */     if (this.root == null)

/* 475 */       return add(null, 0, data);

/* 476 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 477 */     splay(this.lastnode);

/* 478 */     return ((node != null) ? null : splitinsert(data));

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode splitinsert(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 483 */     BTNode node = new BTNode(data);

/* 484 */     int side = -this.root.compareSide(data);

/* 485 */     BTNode child = this.root.getChild(-side);

/*     */ 

/* 487 */     this.root.setChild(-side, null);

/* 488 */     link(node, side, this.root);

/* 489 */     link(node, -side, child);

/* 490 */     this.root = node;

/* 491 */     return this.root;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode deleteSPL(BTData data, int minmax)

/*     */   {

/* 498 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 499 */     splay(this.lastnode);

/* 500 */     if (node == null)

/* 501 */       return null;

/* 502 */     BTNode root = node;

/* 503 */     node = getSuccessor(root, minmax);

/* 504 */     if (node != null)

/* 505 */       splay(node);

/* 506 */     return remove(root);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public void splay(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 516 */     while (node != this.root)

/*     */     {

/* 518 */       BTNode parent = node.getParent();

/* 519 */       BTNode grandparent = parent.getParent();

/* 520 */       int side = node.getSide();

/* 521 */       if (grandparent == null) {

/* 522 */         rotate(parent, -side);

/*     */       }

/* 524 */       else if (parent.getSide() == side)

/*     */       {

/* 526 */         rotate(grandparent, -side);

/* 527 */         rotate(parent, -side);

/*     */       }

/*     */       else {

/* 530 */         if (parent.getSide() == side)

/*     */           continue;

/* 532 */         rotate(parent, -side);

/* 533 */         rotate(grandparent, side);

/*     */       }

/*     */     }

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public boolean isSPLcompliant()

/*     */   {

/* 541 */     return true;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode insertRBL(BTData data)

/*     */   {

/* 552 */     if (this.root == null)

/*     */     {

/* 554 */       this.root = add(null, 0, data);

/* 555 */       this.root.setColor(2);

/* 556 */       return this.root;

/*     */     }

/* 558 */     if (locate(data) != null)

/* 559 */       return null;

/* 560 */     BTNode node = add(this.lastnode, this.nextside, data);

/* 561 */     node.setColor(1);

/* 562 */     fixRBinsert(node);

/* 563 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public void fixRBinsert(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 571 */     while (node != this.root)
/*     */     {

/* 573 */       BTNode parent = node.getParent();

/* 574 */       if (parent.getColor() == 2)

/*     */         break;

/* 576 */       BTNode grandparent = parent.getParent();

/* 577 */       int side = parent.getSide();

/* 578 */       BTNode uncle = grandparent.getChild(-side);

/* 579 */       if ((uncle != null) && (uncle.getColor() == 1))

/*     */       {

/* 581 */         parent.setColor(2);

/* 582 */         uncle.setColor(2);

/* 583 */         grandparent.setColor(1);

/* 584 */         node = grandparent;

/*     */       }

/* 586 */       else if (node.getSide() == -side)

/*     */       {

/* 588 */         rotate(parent, side);

/* 589 */         node = parent;

/*     */       } else {

/* 591 */         if (node.getSide() != side)

/*     */           continue;

/* 593 */         parent.setColor(2);

/* 594 */         grandparent.setColor(1);

/* 595 */         rotate(grandparent, -side);

/*     */       }

/*     */     }

/* 598 */     this.root.setColor(2);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public BTNode deleteRBL(BTData data, int minmax)

/*     */   {

/* 606 */     BTNode node = locate(data);

/* 607 */     if (node == null) {

/* 608 */       return null;

/*     */     }

/* 610 */     if (node.hasTwoChildren()) {

/* 611 */       node = swap(node, minmax);

/*     */     }

/* 613 */     int color = node.getColor();

/* 614 */     int side = node.getSide();

/* 615 */     node = remove(node);

/* 616 */     if ((this.root != null) && (side == 0)) {

/* 617 */       this.root.setColor(2);

/*     */     }

/* 619 */     else if ((node != null) && (color == 2))

/* 620 */       fixRBdelete(node, side);

/* 621 */     return node;

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public void fixRBdelete(BTNode parent, int side)

/*     */   {

/* 629 */     BTNode node = parent.getChild(side);

/* 630 */     if ((node != null) && (node.getColor() == 1))

/*     */     {

/* 632 */       node.setColor(2);

/* 633 */       return;

/*     */     }

/*     */ 

/*     */     do

/*     */     {

/* 638 */       if (node != null)

/*     */       {

/* 640 */         parent = node.getParent();

/* 641 */         side = node.getSide();

/*     */       }

/* 643 */       BTNode sibling = parent.getChild(-side);

/* 644 */       BTNode nephew = sibling.getChild(side);

/* 645 */       BTNode niece = sibling.getChild(-side);

/*     */ 

/* 647 */       if (sibling.getColor() == 1)

/*     */       {

/* 649 */         sibling.setColor(2);

/* 650 */         parent.setColor(1);

/* 651 */         rotate(parent, side);

/*     */       }

/* 654 */       else if ((isBlack(nephew)) && (isBlack(niece)))

/*     */       {

/* 656 */         sibling.setColor(1);

/* 657 */         node = (node == null) ? parent : node.getParent();

/*     */       }

/* 660 */       else if ((isBlack(niece)) && (isRed(nephew)))

/*     */       {

/* 662 */         sibling.setColor(1);

/* 663 */         nephew.setColor(2);

/* 664 */         rotate(sibling, -side);

/*     */       }

/*     */       else {

/* 667 */         if (!(isRed(niece)))

/*     */           continue;

/* 669 */         sibling.setColor(parent.getColor());

/* 670 */         parent.setColor(2)
/* 671 */         niece.setColor(2);
/* 672 */
         rotate(parent, side);
/* 673 */ 
        node = this.root;
/*     */ 
/*     */ 
/* 636 */ 
    while ((node != this.root) && (isBlack(node)));
/*     */ 
/* 676 */     node.setColor(2);

/*     */   }

/*     */ 

/*     */   public boolean isRed(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 681 */ 

    return ((node != null) && (node.getColor() == 1));
/*     */ 
/*     */ 

/*     */   public boolean isBlack(BTNode node) {

/* 685 */ 

    return ((node == null) || (node.getColor() == 2));
/*     */ 
/*     */ 

/*     */   public boolean isRBLcompliant(BTNode node)

/*     */   {

/* 690 */     return false;

/*     */   }

/*     */ }

this is full implementation. Best of luck.

No offense, but he's on C. :)

Can't you navigate to the node and link its children with the node's parent so that you don't break the tree? The idea is to

  • find the node
  • save reference to its children
  • save reference to its parent
  • link parent to the node's children(s)
  • only then remove the node (free)

As it is explained better on wikipedia, you must be careful and determine how many children it has. After that it's pretty straightforward.

This algorithm can quickly turn the tree non-binary.
Chip Uni