




Hi everybody.

I have this problem for a long time, and can't find a solution. I guess this might be something everybodys faced using Sphinx, but I cnanot get any usefull information.

I have one index, and a delta. I queried in a php module both indexes, and then show the results. For each ID in the result, I create an object for the model, and dsiplay main data for that model.

I delete one document from the database, phisically.

When I query the index, the ID for this deleted document is still there (in the sphinx result set). Maybe I can detect this by code, and avoid showing it, but the result set sphinx gaves me as result is wrong. xxx total_found, when really is xxx-1. For example, Sphinx gaves me the first 20 results, but one of this 20 results doesn't exists anymore, so I have to show only 19 results.

I re-index the main index once per day, and the delta index, each 5 minutes.

Is there a solution for this??

Thanks in advance!!


I suppose you could ask for maybe 25 results from sphinx and then when you get the full data from your DB just have a limit 20 on the query.

Ty W

Maybe this fits better to my needs, but involves changing the database.


Alejandro G.

What I've done in my Ruby Sphinx adapter, Thinking Sphinx, is to track when records are deleted, and update a boolean attribute for the records in the main index (I call it sphinx_deleted). Then, whenever I search, I filter on values where sphinx_deleted is 0. In the sql_query configuration, I have the explicit attribute as follows:

SELECT fields, more_fields, 0 as sphinx_deleted FROM table

And of course there's the attribute definition as well.

sql_attr_bool = sphinx_deleted

Keep in mind that these updates to attributes (using the Sphinx API) are only stored in memory - the underlying index files aren't changed, so if you restart Sphinx, you'll lose this knowledge, unless you do a full index as well.

This is a bit of work, but it will ensure your result count and pagination will work neatly.


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