




I use quite a lot of Dojo, but to date I've only used if by including from a CDN such as AOL/Google.

Are there advantages to hosting a copy of Dojo rather than using it via a CDN? I don't have much need to alter the code base, but I imagine there are other advantages/disadvantages?

+3  A: 

Hey Peter,

by hosting your own Dojo env. you are for example able to make a custom build of dojo. So you only need to load one *.js file. That saves traffic used by the xhr requests.


Yes, custom builds should be the primary reason to host it yourself.
Horst Gutmann
Not quite the power of a custom build, but there are a few 'standard' layers included on the CDN, like dijit.js, which will come down in one piece with a dojo.require('dijit.dijit')
That's interesting. Would the use of a custom build mean changing the 'dojo.require's that I use currently?
jep,by creating a custom buid and including it you don't need any dojo.requires anymore, because all required resources are included in the file which get loaded by the <script ... /> tag.

Disadvantage to hosting anything externally is that you don't have control over it. You won't get this with the Google/AOL CDN but you could land up with the same issue that BootyCall got when using Doug Crockfords json.js from his site. http://ajaxian.com/archives/doug-crockford-and-the-online-booty-call-saga

Advantange is that you don't have to pay for bandwidth and will have the correct expiries added to it all the time

Thanks - really useful example.Is setting the expiry on the build something that requires much work?
no, its normally just updating your webserver with the relevant data e.g. on apache installing mod_expires http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_expires.html