



Goal: Step 1. Use a PowerPoint presentation during a seminar that allows the presenter to click on text fields and fill in information while still in "slideshow" view. Step 2. Copy (in any way) the entered information to a word document.

Currently one the slide in question I have a table in powerpoint with msotextboxes overlayed over each cell (since you can't seem to place it IN a cell.

I am using the following code (snippet) to copy the table

 Dim aSlide As Slide, MyDoc As New Word.Document, MyRange As Word.Range
 Dim aTable As Table, TablesCount As Integer, Dim i As Word.Paragraph
                Case msoTable
                TablesCount = .Tables.Count
                With .Tables(TablesCount)
                    .PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPercent
                    .PreferredWidth = 100
                    .Range.Font.Size = 11
                End With
                .Content.InsertAfter Chr(13)
            End Select

Which works fine, however I cannot get the msotextboxes to copy over in a similar fashion. Sometimes when playing around I can get them to copy but they don't overlay correctly onto the table. This may be because frankly I don't fully understand the "range" function (i pieced the above code together from online snippets)

If anyone has any idea how I can do this or can think of a better way of doing the same thing please let me know.


Ok I've managed to indentify the control type as msoOLEControlObject

However I am still having trouble formatting the output correctly (ie pasting the control object in the table cells)

any ideas?

Bob Fishel
I'm still trying to understand what you're needing exactly. You have an ActiveX textbox control on a PPT slide that the presenter uses to write things in during a presentation? Then, you want to copy that over Word? What does formatting and tables have to do with this need? Can you share more of your source code and/or describe more exactly what you're after?