I want to show some bold and some simple word within the same sentence.If I use the textbox then every word will be simple, not some bold and some simple so I want a control's text property in that I can write some bold and some simple word within the same statement
Is this for Web or Desktop? With desktop you want to use the RichTextControl on the web I am not sure you can do it in a textbox, but you can use HTML and the label control to produce the same effect. Not sure about WPF I have never used that.
Hai harikrishna,
you can use javascript text editors or jquery.. A list of jquery and non-jquery editors can be found in this link
I had need like in one control I want to show the content with some bold and some simple font and some colorful so for that I have used webbrowser on that window form and I could satisfy my every requirement with the webbrowser control.Because we can set*html* content to the webbrowser's DocumentText property.And in html content we can make font bold,simple as well as colorful with same sentense.
We can use richtextbox also.