I have written a program that manipulates files and I sometimes to delete a file. So I searched and found the remove() function in the stdio header file in C.
The problem is that sometimes works and sometimes not. Sometimes the file is deleted, other perror() shows a message that says permission denied but I have not specified any special permissions on the file. As a matter of fact the file has been created a little before by another function. Any special conditions that I have to consider?
Here is the load function that creates the file:
int loadF ( const char *filename, plist_t pl, int size, int createFlag ) {
FILE *pFile = NULL;
pnode_t pn = NULL;
int fsize;
int total;
int i;
// Get file stream.
pFile = fopen ( filename, "rb" );
if ( !pFile ) { // File does not exist.
if ( createFlag ) {
if ( !createF ( filename ) ) {
return 0; // fail
} else { // abort
perror ( "loadF:fopen" );
return 0;
// Confirm that we have opened the file stream.
if ( !pFile ) {
pFile = fopen ( filename, "rb" );
if ( !pFile ) {
perror ( "loadF:fopen:" );
return 0;
// Check if list has not been initialized.
if ( pl == NULL ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
return 0; // abort
// Get the size of the file.
fseek ( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );
fsize = ftell ( pFile );
rewind ( pFile );
// Check if the file is empty.
if ( !fsize ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
return 1; // No data to load, continue.
// Get the total number of structures in the file.
total = fsize / size;
// Allocate memory for a node to transfer data.
pn = (pnode_t) malloc ( sizeof (node_t) * sizeof (char) );
if ( !pn ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
perror ( "loadF:malloc" );
return 0;
// Copy from file to list every structure.
for ( i = 1; i <= total; i++ ) {
if ( feof ( pFile ) ) {
printf ( "OUT!" );
printf ( "g" );
fread ( pn->key, size, 1, pFile );
printf ( "f\n" );
if ( ferror ( pFile ) ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
perror ( "loadF:fread" );
return 0;
addfirst ( pl, pn->key ); // Maybe we have to allocate memory with malloc every time?
// Debug with a for loop in the nodes of the list to see if data are OK.
printf ( "cid = %d\n", pl->head->key->card.cid );
printf ( "limit = %5.2f\n", pl->head->key->card.limit );
printf ( "balance = %5.2f\n", pl->head->key->card.balance );
// Close the stream.
if ( pFile ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
// Deallocate transfer memory.
if ( pn ) {
free ( pn );
// Exit
return 1;
And here is the function that uses remove:
int saveF ( const char *filename, plist_t pl, int size ) {
FILE *pFile = NULL; // Pointer to the file structure.
pnode_t pn = NULL; // Pointer to a node of a list.
// Delete the specified file - on success it returns 0.
if ( remove (filename) == -1 ) {
perror ( "saveF:remove" );
return 0;
// Re-create the file (but now is empty).
if ( !createF (filename) ) {
return 0;
// Get the file stream.
pFile = fopen ( filename, "ab" );
if ( !pFile ) {
perror ( "saveF:fopen" );
return 0;
// Check if list is not empty.
if ( isEmpty ( pl ) ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
return 0; // Abort
// Traverse the list nodes and save the entity that the key points to.
for ( pn = pl->head; pn != NULL; pn = pn->next ) {
fwrite ( (pccms_t)(pn->key), size, 1, pFile );
if ( ferror ( pFile ) ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
perror ( "saveF:fwrite" );
return 0;
// Close the stream.
if ( pFile ) {
fclose ( pFile );
pFile = NULL;
// Exit
return 1;
I use Windows XP.