



I've created a smart document xml expansion pack for word that has an action associated with #actionPertainsToEntireSchema.

An image in the action pane has several "hotspots" painted and using the X,Y pos I determine what the user desires to do.

I'm using CS Here's where the user invokes a command:

ImageClick(int ControlID, string ApplicationName, object Target, string Text, string Xml, int LocaleID, int XCoordinate, int YCoordinate)

I do not know word well enough to determine what the current xml node name is that the user is in (the doc has a schema applied, and the nodes have already been created in the document)

Is there any sample code that someone can post that I can use get access to these? Thank you

Note: I've also posted on:

but there was a notice that this forum was inactive as of Nov 2009