



Why does the AllowDrop property in not appear in the intellisense menu of a control?

Also why is it not in the propeties window of the designer?

+2  A: 

Have a look at

picturebox allowdrop property missing?

There might be something stated about this on MSDN perhaps? the picturebox class seems to override that property and hide it from the user. See for yourself in Reflector if you want it sets browsable to false, and editbrowsabel to never

And Drag and Drop Text

For most controls, you can set the AllowDrop property in the Properties window during design time. However, some controls (such as the PictureBox control) do not expose this property in the Properties window. As such, you need to dynamically set them in code (note that IntelliSense will not show the AllowDrop property).

Thanks for the info, it still doesn't really explain why though. Well at least it works... for now.