I read a post on .NET impersonation at http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/28/144136.aspx, and that is the base code I am working from.
I'm having a problem copying a file to a network share. When finished, this console application will run on a remote server and copy files to a share on a different system. The two systems can see each other.
I am able to copy files to the remote share from my machine directly, so I have access to the share.
Here is the code. I have commented the lines that are causing issues:
Dim token1 As Integer
Dim loggedOn As Boolean = LogonUser("scotts", "MyDomain", "AwesomePw", 3, 0, token1)
Dim mWI1 As WindowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
Dim token2 As IntPtr = New IntPtr(token1)
Dim mWI2 As WindowsIdentity = New WindowsIdentity(token2)
'This file copies a file successfully
File.Copy("c:\LogExtractorRecipients.txt", "\\RemoteServer\SHARED\QALogFiles\LogExtractorRecipients2.txt")
Dim mWIC As WindowsImpersonationContext = mWI2.Impersonate()
'This causes the error: "Access to the path '\\RemoteServer\SHARED\QALogFiles\QALogFiles\LogExtractorRecipients.txt' is denied."
File.Copy("c:\LogExtractorRecipients.txt", "\\RemoteServer\SHARED\QALogFiles\QALogFiles\LogExtractorRecipients.txt")
I am impersonating myself (to thine own self be true), and have Read-Write permissions to the share. I am running this code locally. Before I use impersonation, I can copy a file. After impersonation, I cannot. Impersonation seems to be successful - the mWI2 variable is being populated with the name, token, and other properties. The ImpersonationLevel is 3, while before, on wMI1, the ImpersonationLevel is 0. That's about the only difference I can see.
Any suggestions?