



I'm running a nightly cpu-intensitive java-application on a Ec2-server (c1.xlarge) which has 8 cores, 7,5 GB RAM (running Linux / Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic 64 bit)

The appplication is architected in such a way that a variable number of workers are constructed (each in their own thread) and fetch messages from a queue to process them.

Throughput is the main concern here and performance is measured in processed msg / second. the app is NOT Ram bound... and as far as I can see not IO-bound. (although I'm not a star in Linux. I'm using dstat to check for io-load which are pretty low and cpu wait-signals (which are almost non-existent))

I'm seeing the following when spawning different nr of workers (wokrer-threads)

  1. worker: throughput 1.3 msg / sec / worker

  2. worker: ~ throughput 0.8 msg / sec / worker

  3. worker: ~ throughput 0.5 msg / sec / worker

  4. worker: ~ throughput 0.05 msg / sec / worker

I was expecting a near-linair increase in throughput, but reality proves otherwise. 3 questions:

  1. what might be causing the sub-linair perf going from 1 worker --> 2 workers and 2 workers --> 3 workers

  2. what might be causing the (almost) complete halt when going from 3 workers to 4 workers? It looks like a kind of deadlock-situation or something.. (can this happen dus to heavy context-switching?)

  3. how would I start measuring where the problems occur? My dev-box has 2 cpu's and is running under windows. What I normally do is attach a gui-profiler and check for threading-issues. But the problem only really starts to manifest itself my more than 2 threads.

some more background info:

  • workers are spawned using a Executors.newScheduledThreadPool

  • a workers-thread does calculations based on the msg (CPU-intensive). Each worker-thread contains a seperate persistQueue used for offloading writing to disk (and thus make use of CPU / IO concurrency. )

persistQueue = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1,1,100,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,new ArrayBlockingQueue(maxAsyncQueueSize),new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());

The flow (per worker) goes like this:

  1. the worker-thread puts the result of a msg in the persistQueue and gets on with processing the next msg.

  2. The ThreadpoolExecutor (of which we have 1 per worker-thread) only contains 1 thread which processes all incoming data (waiting in the persistQueue ) and writes it to disk (Berekeley DB + Apache Lucene)

  3. the idea is that 1. and 2. can run concurrent for the most part since 1. is cpu-heavy and 2. is io-heavy.

  4. It's possible that persistQueue becomes full. This is done bc. otherwise a slow io-system might cause flooding of the queues, and result in OOM-errors. (yes it's a lot of data) . In that case the workerThread pauses until it can write it's content to persistQueue. A full queue hasn't happenend yet on this setup, (which is another reason I think the app is definitely not IO-bound)

The last info:

  • workers are isolated from the others concerning their data, except:

    • they share some heavily used static final maps (used as caches. The maps are memory-intensive so I can't keep them local to a worker even if I wanted to). Operations that workers perform on these caches are: iterations, lookups, contains. (no writes, deletes, etc)

    • these shared maps are accessed without synchronization (no need right? )

    • workers populate their local data by selecting data from mysql (based on keys in the received msg) . So this is a potential bottleneck. However, most of the data are reads, queried tables are optimized with indexes and again not IO-bound.

    • I have to admit that I haven't done much Mysql-server optimizing yet ( in terms of config -params) But I just don't think that is the problem.

  • output is written to:

    • BerekelyDB (using memcached(b)-client) . All workers share 1 server.
    • Lucene (using a home-grown low-level indexer). Each workers has a seperate indexer.
  • even when disabling output writing the problems occur.

This is a huge post, I realize that, but I hope you can give me some pointers as to what this might be, or how to start monitoring / deducing where the problem lies.

Thanks, Geert-Jan


Did jvisualvm give you any useful information?

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
I'll check and report back.. ( I didn't know the tool ;-)

Only profiling will help.

but things to check the worksers get information from a queue, what type of queue is that is the producer queue thread save ? Why use Executors.newScheduledThreadPool to create your workers ? dont you just want them to run immediately ?

the message queue is Amazon Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS). Fetching from the queue is non blocking (afaik) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool is used for the purpose of having a a small rampoff (as I believe the English term is) between workers. So intializing of workers is more fluent.

If I understood correctly, multiple workers are all fetching from the same queue, make calculations and hand the result off to their private writers, like:

              / [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]
[ msg-queue ] - [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]
              \ [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]

workers might be blocking to get to the msg queue, adding a reader managing a queue of work items solve this problem if it occurs, like:

                                   / [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]
[ msg-queue ] - [ fetcher, queue ] - [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]
                                   \ [ worker ] - [ writer, queue ]

Another thing I pick up from your description is that the calculations make use of a set of collections in a read-only fashion so concurrency should not be a problem. It might be a good idea to investigate which implementation you use, even if you don't synchronise use in your part of the code, collection classes like Vector and Hashtable synchronize by default.

Using immutable versions of collection classes would help to make sure usage of the maps can be concurrent by default.

your model is correct. the queue is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) which is designed for such a thing I believe. I will check the java-client implementation (SQS) though just to be sure. As for the collections: standar Java.util + some basis arrays. I will wrap the collections in immutable just to be sure. Thanks

If I were you, I wouldn't put much faith in anybody's guesswork as to what the problem is. I hate to sound like a broken record, but there's a very simple way to find out - stackshots. For example, in your 4-worker case that is running 20 times slower, every time you take a sample of a worker's call stack, the probability is 19/20 that it will be in the hanging state, and you can see why just by examining the stack.

Mike Dunlavey
Just only now saw your comment. Do you know of a good tool to take / visualize stackshots in a linux server environment?
**pstack** is one such tool. In a case like this you need very few samples - in fact, just **one sample** is almost certain to show you exactly where the problem is.
Mike Dunlavey