In Interface Builder, I have set the dataCell of one of the columns of my NSTableView instance to be NSButtonCell. This works as expected, however, trying to use a ‘template’ image doesn't yield the expected visual result when clicking the button.
How I configure the NSButtonCell:
- Image: NSRevealFreestandingTemplate
- Scaling: None
- Bezel: Bevel
- Type: Momentary Push In
- Bordered: false
Expected result when clicking the button:
- Since the image is a ‘template’, the button should render its ‘on’ state.
- The background, ie the space surrounding the image, should not change.
Actual result when clicking the button:
- No difference in the ‘state’ of the rendered image.
- The background color changes to white.
Even-though I’ve tried my best to make the explanation of the problem as concise as possible, I’ve also made a simple screencast to visually illustrate the problem. And uploaded the demo app.