




I've been trying to run a dynamic query inside a cfquery tag. Previously it was running fine. So now, I can see the debugger enter the cfquery tag, but it does not finish running. It didn't seem to have made an affect to the database, since nothing was added for that insert query. Putting try & catch blocks didn't catch anything.

When I looked at the Server Monitor, under Statistics ->Database -> Active Queries -> and sure enough it is listed as an active query.

My other cfqueries tags are running fine though.

There is no problem on the database side.

I've tried changing the content of the tag to run a non dynamic insert query, but it results in the same thing. When I've changed the content of the query to a badly formed sql, it does catch the error.

Would you suspect this to be a Coldfusion problem?

Has this happen to you before? Any ideas? Please help.



Post your query. There is going to be something horribly wrong with it. My gut instinct says deadlock or cross join.


Have you tried running the raw query directly in the database? What db are you using?
