




I am new to a web development process and only know a few things in asp.net other than common things that are used in window programming.

Currently I am working on a website that is being created by me and my friend only and we are only familiar with aspx page. I read about ascx page in 1 of the question on stackoverflow.

Can you refer me some good e-books or links where I can get some knowledge about web development components that are most commonly used.

+4  A: 

ascx is a control, not a page, so you can't navigate to it. It's for creating reusable controls, that you can use on multiple pages.

If you're looking for a book, I personally like Professional ASP.NET 3.5

Sander Rijken
thx for help, i will surely vote after reading all the links provided in all the answers. Thx again
Shantanu Gupta
+1  A: 

An ascx is a user control. Two links that may be useful.

+1  A: 

An ASP.NET Web user control is similar to a complete ASP.NET Web page (.aspx file), with both a user interface page and code. You create the user control in much the same way you create an ASP.NET page and then add the markup and child controls that you need. A user control can include code to manipulate its contents like a page can, including performing tasks such as data binding. take a look to this link : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y6wb1a0e.aspx
