




are there books on designing highly scalable web sites?

(from a programmers perspective)

I read how ebay does it:

Partition by Function, Split Horizontally, Avoid Distributed Transactions, Decouple Functions Asynchronously, Move Processing To Asynchronous Flows, Virtualize At All Levels, Cache Appropriately.

Are these things actually taught or it is so niche that there isn't really any books on these topics?


Building Scalable Web Sites has a good reputation.

David Dorward
I wasn't very impressed.
Emil H
The TOC are underwhelming, it looks like any other book about good practises for building a data-driven web-site.
Hassan Syed
+1  A: 

Not sure on books but heres a good reference for Building highly scalable applications

+2  A: 

The best I've found is

Scalable Internet Architectures

Much better TOC :P
Hassan Syed
+1  A: 

Web-servers are stateless, web-application are statefull -- this leads to dependance on a data-layer to persist state. Relational databases are often the weakness to hard-core scaleability. For this reason I suggest looking at the research papers and presentations from the nosql community.

Nosql databases provide plug&play expansion, and require programming changes from the web-applications, therefore you will learn a lot about scalability from the material.

You will enough material by scholar.google.com'ing the names of the nosql databases.

Hassan Syed
i didn't realize that facebook, linkedin, etc. released their nosql as open source, pretty cool.
Yeah, its pretty simple technology though at the end of the day, so there is no reason to hold it back. Google has pretty much given away the blue-prints of their architecture as well (research papers). The thing about scale-able design is that it is an art-form -- the underlying primitives are useless without a group of artists to use them :D
Hassan Syed
wonder if SO could be built using nosql?