




I have a classB which extends classA. In classB I define a method fooBar() which is also defined in classA. In fooBar() of classB I want to call fooBar() of classA at the beginning. Just the way I'm used to, from Objective-C. Is that possible in PHP? And if so, how?

+7  A: 

see the manual

just somebody
+1  A: 

Just a quick note because this doesn't come up as easy on Google searches, and this is well documented in php docs if you can find it. If you have a subclass that needs to call the super class´s constructor, you can call it with:

parent::__construct(); // since PHP5

An example would be if the super class has some arguments in it's constructor and it's implementing classes needs to call that:

class Foo {

  public function __construct($lol, $cat) {
    // Do stuff specific for Foo


class Bar extends Foo {

  public function __construct()(
    parent::__construct("lol", "cat");
    // Do stuff specific for Bar


You can find a more motivating example here.
