





tag  { id PK, name TEXT };
item { id PK, exampleData LONG, tagId LONG //or foreign key depending on provider }

i'm using SQLite and C#. Is it proper to

  1. Start a transaction
  2. Insert into tag
  3. If affected rows = 0 do a select to get tag.PK otherwise use last_insert_rowid
  4. Insert item

or will there be a problem with the above? I plan to switch to MySql or TSQL

+1  A: 

I would generally prefer :

  1. Start a transaction
  2. select from tag to determine whether the tag was already existing
  3. if not existing, then insert into tag, and get the generated id (checking if the insert worked, of course)
  4. insert into item
  5. commit transaction (or rollback if there was an error)

The only difference with what your suggested is that I try to select from tag before trying to insert. Why ? Because I prefer not doing an insert that will most likely fail -- at least, if I have an UNIQUE index on the tag's name (and you probably should).

But it will probably not change much...

I forgot to write that in, yes it is unique. But i was told to never select first because it isnt a write op and another transaction can insert it after i do my select causing either a insert failure (unique) or incorrect logic from having another copy
@acidzombie24: But the transaction will protect you from that. Imagine if you were writing a banking application. To transfer money from my account to your account, I must `select` the available balance first. If `balance >= transfer_amount` then do the transfer, otherwise don't. The same applies for your case.
Daniel Vassallo
Actually no it doesnt. I wrote a test case and it fails. http://www.pastie.org/757356 stick this into a winform project (web seems to crash on me when i try this). There is no race condition thanks to Semaphore and as you can see the results are 6 instead of 7. And they are both in a transaction.
+1  A: 

The only problem I see with your design is that each item can only have 1 tag. Was that your intention?

Otherwise, your insertion procedure is fine. You just need to check if the tag already exists, as Pascal Martin suggested.

Daniel Vassallo
Nice catch on the single tag. Usually i allow multiple but in this case i am not using tags and was unsure of how i should insert the data.
+3  A: 

You can conditionally insert the tag if it doesn't exist like:

insert into tag (name)
select 'NewTagName'
where not exists (select * from tag where name = 'NewTagName')

Then, while inserting the new item, you can query the tag id:

insert into item (exampleData, tagid)
select 'NewData', (select id from tag where name = 'NewTagName')

This method doesn't require retrieving the id of the inserted row, and will work fine without a transaction.

Or more briefly: "select 'NewData', id from tag where name = 'NewTagName'"
le dorfier
accepted because this help me write my query and also you didnt say to select first which is wrong
+1  A: 

i think there is no wrong with your solution i believe its correct and use it

but when you change to MySql or TSql use the same solution

1- insert first 2- return @@identity "ID" of the inserted row .....
