So, the idea was a write a recursive function that compares two strings to see if string 'prefix' is contained in string 'other', without using any standard string functions, and using pointer arithmetic. below is what i came up with. i think it works, but was curious - how elegant is this, scale 1-10, any obvious funky moves you would have done instead?
bool is_prefixR(char* prefix, char* other) {
static int prePos = 0,othPos = 0;
// static int othPos = 0;
bool test;
test = ( *(prefix+prePos) == *(other+othPos)); //checks to see if same
if (!*(prefix+prePos)) { return 1; } //end of recursion
if (!*(other+othPos)) { return 0; }
if (!test) {
othPos++; //move othPos pointer by 1
prePos = 0; //reset the prefix position
return(is_prefixR(prefix, other)); //lets try again
} else { //chars are the same
othPos++; //move othPos pointer by 1
return(is_prefixR(prefix, other)); //lets try again
return 0;