"Build strings as a list and use ''.join at the end. join is a string method called on the separator, not the list. Calling it from the empty string concatenates the pieces with no separator, which is a Python quirk and rather surprising at first. This is important: string building with + is quadratic time instead of linear! If you learn one idiom, learn this one.
Wrong: for s in strings: result += s
Right: result = ''.join(strings)"
I'm not sure why this is true. If I have some strings I want to join them, for me it isn't intuitively better to me to put them in a list then call ''.join. Doesn't putting them into a list create some overhead? To Clarify...
Python Command Line:
>>> str1 = 'Not'
>>> str2 = 'Cool'
>>> str3 = ''.join([str1, ' ', str2]) #The more efficient way **A**
>>> print str3
Not Cool
>>> str3 = str1 + ' ' + str2 #The bad way **B**
>>> print str3
Not Cool
Is A really linear time and B is quadratic time?