




I am looking for the most efficient way to select the content 'td' node based on the heading in the corresponding 'th' node..

My current xPath expression..

/html/body/table/tr/td[count(/html/body/table/tr/th[text() = 'HeaderA']/preceding-sibling::*)+1]

Some questions..

  • Can you use relative paths (../..) inside count()?
  • What other options to find current node number td[?] or is count(/preceding-sibling::*)+1 the most efficient?

I would have left Xpath aside... since I assume it was DOM parsed, I'd use a Map data structure, and match the nodes in either client side or server side (JavaScript / Java) manually.

Seems to me XPath is being streatched beyond its limit here.

Ehrann Mehdan
I still think XPath is not the best solution here, voting down won't change my mind... or the facts...
Ehrann Mehdan
I understand and appreciate your comment.. What I am looking for is the most efficient method using xPath.. I can then perform real world benchmarks in my environment using all available options (xPath, java, javascript, etc..) to settle on a final solution.. Thanks for your comment..
+2  A: 
  • It is possible to use relative paths inside count()
  • I have never heard of another way to find the node number...

Here is the code with relative xpath-code inside count()


But well, it is not much shorter... It won't be shorter than this in my opinion:

Excellent.. I am not so much looking for the shortest way to write the expression.. but the most efficient, to minimise the internal lookups..

Perhaps you want position() and XPath axes?


Harmen's answer is exactly what you need for a pure XPATH solution.

If you are really concerned with performance, then you could define an XSLT key:

<xsl:key name="columns" match="/html/body/table/tr/th" use="text()"/>

and then use the key in your predicate filter:

/html/body/table/tr/td[count(key('columns', 'HeaderC')/preceding-sibling::th)+1]

However, I suspect you probably won't be able to see a measurable difference in performance unless you need to filter on columns a lot (e.g. for-each loops with checks for every row for a really large document).

Mads Hansen