




Hi. How can I force resending activation e-mail to user? E.g. when he accidentaly deletes the mail, he clicks in link in my website, and django will send him new activation e-mail.

+1  A: 

There's an admin action for doing that. From the django-registration docs:

How do I re-send an activation email?

Assuming you’re using the default backend, a custom admin action is provided for this; in the admin for the RegistrationProfile model, simply click the checkbox for the user(s) you’d like to re-send the email for, then select the “Re-send activation emails” action.

There's no built-in automatic way of doing this (how should django-registration figure out that a random visitor is that guy who filled out the registration form 3 days ago and deleted his activation mail?).

He can log in, and click "resend activation e-mail" in his profile... it's frequently used on many websites.