




I am a career .NET developer, but have recently been delving into the LAMP universe.

I have an Joomla/VirtueMart ecommerce site near ready to launch. The vendor's xml datafeed must undergo transformation before it can be imported into the products database.

I wrote a .NET console app that can easily perform the transform and upload to the site. I am convinced there is a better way.

So I have been looking at cgi scripts. Just from what I have read it seems the only way to execute a cgi script is through an http request. Is there a way to schedule a cgi-script to run at a specific time?

Also, which language works best for transforming xml? C, Perl, or Python?

+1  A: 

CGI is basically just an interface defined to execute arbitrary programs on a server by way of a HTTP request, nothing more and nothing less.

How you can execute a program on a server at a specific time depends on the server; both Windows and Linux-based systems usually have a scheduler service. In Linux land it's called cron, and a scheduled job is called a cronjob. If there is no other mechanism provided by whoever hosts your application, you can define jobs using the crontab utility on the server (you'll need shell access for that); its documentation includes (somewhat inaccessible, but there you go) information about what a crontab should look like. There are tons of tutorials on the web, too.

Jan Krüger

an XSLT transformation is probably your best bet for turning XML files into things you can easily import. An XSLT transform can be processed in any language of your choice.
