I'm analyzing data based on x consecutive working days, M-F (and later skipping selected holidays). My plan is to take MM-DD-YYYY and determine the day of the week.
How can I do this in VBA?
I found this simple way using .NET but how do I call from Office 2007 VBA, and what reference do I need to add?
DateTime.Parse("2009-10-02").ToString("D", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en") .NET Day of week from YYYY-MM-DD
For completeness and to help others, here is how my code ended up: How can I cleanly generalize this for x days look forward?
myDateStd = myDate
If Right(Left(myDate, 2), 1) = "/" Then myDateStd = "0" & myDate 'IF M/*/YYYY
If Len(myDateStd) = 9 Then myDateStd = Left(myDateStd, 3) & "0" & Right(myDateStd, 6) ' If MM/D/YYYY' fix
dayNumber = Weekday(DateSerial(Right(myDateStd, 4), Left(myDateStd, 2), Mid(myDateStd, 4, 2)), vbMonday)
Select Case dayNumber
Case 1 To 3
workingDaysDelta = 3
Case 4 To 5 'i.e. its a Friday (or thur) so need to count Fri,S,S,M,T
workingDaysDelta = 5
Case 6 To 7 ' its sat/sun
workingDaysDelta = 4
Case Else
MsgBox "ERROR date seams invalid, Date = " & myDateStd
End Select
'Loop with If testing conditions including:
CDate(wbAn.Cells(j, "E")) < (CDate(myDate) + dayNumber)