




I have an XML file that looks like this.

<Almond>    Roasted Almonds,Almond Extract,Almond Sauce,Almond Milk,Almond Cake,Almond Ice Cream,Almond Paste </Almond>
<American Cheese>   MilkWhey,Cheese Dip,Sliced Cheese </American Cheese>
<Apple> Apple Sauce,Apple Pie,Pear,Apple Juice,Apple Cider,Apple Butter   </Apple>
<Avocado>   Guacamole,California Sushi Rolls,Hass Avocado,Avocado Oil </Avocado>
<Banana>    Banana Bread,Banana Cream Pie,Banana Split,Banana Pudding </Banana>

do you suggest a different way to format this?

i will need to get every food that is associated with almond, with american cheese, apple etc..

i will be reading the data with vb.net

+2  A: 

Instead of having lines of command separated values, I'd have child tags called <Item> or something so the parser could have a shot at handling them. It's more verbose, but better XML.

If XML doesn't work here I'd propose something less verbose like JSON. I don't see that tags and metadata are doing you much good here.


From your XML you appear to need some kind of "tagging". If we assume that your xml is intended to store ingredients, then why not have a tag called <ingredient/>

here is a sample of what the XML could look like:

    <recipe name="Roasted Almonds">
    <recipe name="Almond Extract">
            <ingredient>some other</ingredient>

Then you can use LinQ or some other XML query language to query for the same results you have above. A sample XPath query would be something as follows:


This would give all the Recipes that have "Almond" as an ingredient. This would also provide a more flexible XML format for other purposes and is easier to generate from a database.
