




i need to add checkboxes to every cell in the calendar so that the user can select multiple dates and the dates get stored in the database for later retrieval. basically i am developing a calendar as a signup sheet for day shift and night shift. so i need 2 checkboxes per calendar date in the calendar. is it possible. i am using Visual studio and c sharp

+2  A: 

Is your question whether or not this is possible? Then the answer is "Yes!" -- What else would you like to know? Are there any details to your question? Specific areas you would like to concentrate on? Areas that are causing you problems? Or are you simply looking for a full solution?

Gabriel McAdams
This isn't really an answer... (admittedly, to something that isn't really a question)
Marc Gravell
how do i do it? i know it can be done. but i dont know how?
Why don't you get us started. Tell us what you think is the way to get this done, and we'll help you with some of the details
Gabriel McAdams
thanks for your help..i am new to visual studio and hence i dont know how to do it.i just wanted to know how to add checkboxes to a calendar control.never mind